View Helper

Vaseman provides a set of Helper that you can use and extend.

Create Helper

Run this command at project root:

vaseman make:helper Hello

Will add this class in .vaseman/src/Helper/HelloHelper.php.


namespace App\Helper;

class HelloHelper
    public function __construct(protected HelperSet $parent) 

Add your own methods

    // ...

    public function getDate($date = 'now', $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s')
        return (new \DateTime($date))->format($format);

    // ...

Now we can use this method in Blade:

Created date: {{ $helper->hello->getDate('now') }}

In Blade, you can simply use php static call:

<a class="nav-link {{ \App\Helper\MyClass::isActive($path, 'foo') }}">...</a>

Fake Data

Vaseman includes PHP Faker to help you generate random fake data.


namespace App\Helper;

class FakerHelper
    public function getSeeder()
        $faker = \Faker\Factory::create();

        return array(
            'title' => $faker->sentence(),
            'author' => $faker->firstName . ' ' . $faker->lastName,
            'text' => $faker->paragraphs(3)

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