
Install Vaseman globally.

composer global require asika/vaseman

Init a Project

To init a project, use this commands:

mkdir site
vaseman init site

Init with custom template:

vaseman init {dir} /path/to/template 

Init with custom template on GitHub:

vaseman init {dir}{org}/vaseman-my-template.git

Vaseman will create a .vaseman folder to store project file.

And the current folder will be public folder.

Render Pages


vaseman up

Then the pages will render to HTML.

Start generating site

[Prepare]: index.blade.php
[Prepare]: article/
[Prepare]: article/article.blade.php
[Rendered]: index.html
[Rendered]: article/article.html
[Rendered]: article/markdown.html
[Link]: assets

Open the index.html, you will see project home page.

Default Pages

Now we can use browser open Vaseman root, Vaseman will render page dynamically.

View Pages

Open project dir by browser, you can see the index page.


Click the grey buttons at below content, you can see an sample article page. (entries/article/article.blade.php)

Click Markdown link at sidebar, you will see a markdown page example. (entries/article/

Create Pages

Create your *.blade.php in entries folder.

The template file path will match the url path. If you go path/to/your/page, Vaseman will render this file as a new page.

Base URI

Using {{ $uri->path() }} to add subfolder for assets url.

For Example, If you are in a page foo/bar/baz.html, You can use this url as link href:

<a href="{{ $uri->path() }}sakura.html">Link</a>

The link will render as:

<a href="../../sakura.html">Link</a>

So the page link will not break in every pages.

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