
<input id="color-picker" value="#276cb8" />




<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

<!-- Dark theme -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

ES Module

<script type="module">
import Spectrum from '';


npm install spectrum-vanilla

Import in Webpack / TypeScript

import Spectrum from 'spectrum-vanilla';

Download files

Download Zip
<script src="spectrum.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="spectrum.min.css">


Create Instance

Create a new instance by selector, not cache it, you must store this instance yourself

// If this selector not found, will throw Error.
const sp = Spectrum.create('#picker', [options]);

// Just call methods on this instance.;

// If this selector not found, will return NULL.
const sp = Spectrum.createIfExists('#picker', [options]);

// Create from element
const element = document.querySelector('#picker');
const sp = Spectrum.create(element, [options]);

// Create from jQuery instance
const element = $('#picker');
const sp = Spectrum.create(element, [options]);

Create multiple new instances

const sps = Spectrum.createMultiple('.picker', [options]); // Array<Spectrum>

// Create from elements
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.picker');
const sps = Spectrum.createMultiple(elements, [options]);

// Create from jQuery instance
const elements = $('.picker');
const sps = Spectrum.createMultiple(elements, [options]);


You can get same instance if you use getInstance() method.

const sp = Spectrum.getInstance('#picker', [options]);

// Always same instance
sp === Spectrum.getInstance('#picker');

// Get multiple instances
const sps = Spectrum.getInstanceMultiple('.picker', [options]);


jQuery plugin still available

const sp = $('#picker').spectrum();



If you use Spectrum in webpack and jQuery did not auto register, you can register it manually.

import Spectrum from 'spectrum-vanilla';
import jQuery from 'jquery';


const sp = jQuery('#picker').spectrum();


A simple example that create a Vue3 directive

  const SpectrumDirective = {
    mounted(el, { value }) {
      Spectrum.getInstance(el, Object.assign({}, value));
    updated(el, { value }) {
      const sp = Spectrum.getInstance(el, options);

      if (JSON.stringify(value) !== JSON.stringify(sp.options)) {
        sp.rebuild(Object.assign({}, value));
    unmounted(el) {
      const sp = Spectrum.getInstance(el);

  app.directive('colorpicker', SpectrumDirective);
  <input type="text" v-colorpciker="{ type: 'component' }">

All Options

Spectrum.getInstance('#picker', {
    color: tinycolor,
    type: sting, // text, component, color, flat, Default is "component"
    showInput: bool,
    showInitial: bool,
    allowEmpty: bool,
    showAlpha: bool,
    disabled: bool,
    localStorageKey: string,
    showPalette: bool,
    showPaletteOnly: bool,
    togglePaletteOnly: bool,
    showSelectionPalette: bool,
    clickoutFiresChange: bool,
    containerClassName: string,
    replacerClassName: string,
    preferredFormat: string,
    maxSelectionSize: int,
    palette: [[string]],
    selectionPalette: [string],
    // specify locale
    locale: string|object,
    // or directly change the translations
    cancelText: string,
    chooseText: string,
    togglePaletteMoreText: string,
    togglePaletteLessText: string,
    clearText: string,
    noColorSelectedText: string,
Tip: options can be specified in an options object in the spectrum initializer, like Spectrum.getInstance(element, {showAlpha: true }) or on the element's markup, like <input data-show-alpha="true" />.


The initial color will be set with the color option. If you don't pass in a color, Spectrum will use the value attribute on the input.

The color parsing is based on the TinyColor plugin. This should parse any color string you throw at it.

<input type="text" class="basic" value="red" />
<input type="text" class="basic" value="#0f0" />
<input type="text" class="basic" value="blue" />
<br />
<input type="text" class="override" />
<br />
<input type="text" class="startEmpty" value="" />
Spectrum.getInstance('.override', {
    color: "yellow"
Spectrum.getInstance('.startEmpty', {
    allowEmpty: true

Show Input

You can add an input to allow free form typing. The color parsing is very permissive in the allowed strings. See TinyColor for more details.

Spectrum.getInstance('#showInput', {
    showInput: true
Spectrum.getInstance('#showInputWithClear', {
    showInput: true,

Show Alpha

You can allow alpha transparency selection. Check out these examples:

Spectrum.getInstance('#showAlpha', {
    showAlpha: true


Spectrum can be automatically disabled if you pass in the disabled flag. Additionally, if the input that you initialize spectrum on is disabled, this will be the default value. Note: you cannot enable spectrum if the input is disabled (see below).

Spectrum.getInstance('#disabled', {
    disabled: true


Show Palette

Spectrum can show a palette below the colorpicker to make it convenient for users to choose from frequently or recently used colors. When the colorpicker is closed, the current color will be added to the palette if it isn't there already. Check it out here:

Spectrum.getInstance('#showPalette', {
    showPalette: true,
    palette: [
        ['black', 'white', 'blanchedalmond'],
        ['rgb(255, 128, 0);', 'hsv 100 70 50', 'lightyellow']

Show Palette Only

If you'd like, spectrum can show the palettes you specify, and nothing else.

Spectrum.getInstance('#showPaletteOnly', {
    showPaletteOnly: true,
    color: 'blanchedalmond',
    palette: [
        ['black', 'white', 'blanchedalmond',
        'rgb(255, 128, 0);', 'hsv 100 70 50'],
        ['red', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'violet']

Toggle Palette Only

Spectrum can show a button to toggle the colorpicker next to the palette. This way, the user can choose from a limited number of colors in the palette, but still be able to pick a color that's not in the palette.
The default value for togglePaletteOnly is FALSE. Set it to TRUE to enable the Toggle button.

You can also change the text on the Toggle Button with the options togglePaletteMoreText (default is "more") and togglePaletteLessText (default is "less").

Spectrum.getInstance('#togglePaletteOnly', {
    showPaletteOnly: true,
    togglePaletteOnly: true,
    togglePaletteMoreText: 'more',
    togglePaletteLessText: 'less',
    color: 'blanchedalmond',
    palette: [

Show Selection Palette

Spectrum can keep track of what has been selected by the user with the showSelectionPalette option.

If the localStorageKey option is defined, the selection will be saved in the browser's localStorage object

Spectrum.getInstance('#showSelectionPalette', {
    showPalette: true,
    showSelectionPalette: true, // true by default
    palette: [ ]
Spectrum.getInstance('#showSelectionPaletteStorage', {
    showPalette: true,
    showSelectionPalette: true,
    palette: [ ],
    localStorageKey: "spectrum.homepage", // Any Spectrum with the same string will share selection
This colorpicker will store what you pick:

Try switching between the two colorpickers or reloading your page, the chosen colors are always available:

Selection Palette

The default values inside of the selection palette. Make sure that showSelectionPalette and showPalette are both enabled.

If a localStorageKey is defined, then this value will be overwritten by it.

Spectrum.getInstance('#selectionPalette', {
    showPalette: true,
    palette: [ ],
    showSelectionPalette: true, // true by default
    selectionPalette: ["red", "green", "blue"]
This colorpicker has default values in the selection palette:

Max Selection Size

This is how many elements are allowed in the selectionPallete at once.

Elements will be removed from the palette in first in - first out order if this limit is reached.

Spectrum.getInstance('#maxSelectionSize', {
    showPalette: true,
    palette: [ ],
    showSelectionPalette: true, // true by default
    selectionPalette: ["red", "green", "blue"],
    maxSelectionSize: 2
This colorpicker starts removing selection palette colors older than 2:

Hide After Palette Select

You can have the colorpicker automatically hide after a palette color is selected.

Spectrum.getInstance('#hideAfterPaletteSelect', {
    showPaletteOnly: true,
    color: 'blanchedalmond',
    palette: [
        ['black', 'white', 'blanchedalmond',
        'rgb(255, 128, 0);', 'hsv 100 70 50'],
        ['red', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'violet']

Clickout Fires Change

When clicking outside of the colorpicker, you can force it to fire a change event rather than having it revert the change. This is true by default.

Spectrum.getInstance('#clickoutFiresChange', {
    clickoutFiresChange: true
Spectrum.getInstance('#clickoutDoesntChange', {
    clickoutFiresChange: false

Show Initial

Spectrum can show the color that was initially set when opening. This provides an easy way to click back to what was set when opened.

Spectrum.getInstance('#showInitial', {
    showInitial: true

Show Input and Initial

If you specify both the showInput and showInitial options, the CSS keeps things in order by wrapping the buttons to the bottom row, and shrinking the input. Note: this is all customizable via CSS.

Spectrum.getInstance('#showInputAndInitial', {
    showInitial: true,
    showInput: true

Show Input, Initial, and Clear

If you specify both the showInput, showInitial, and allowEmpty options, the CSS keeps things in order by wrapping the buttons to the bottom row, and shrinking the input. Note: this is all customizable via CSS.

Spectrum.getInstance('#showInputInitialClear', {
    showInitial: true,
    showInput: true


Specify `locale` so choose a language. If not specified, spectrum will try to use the navigator language. Alternatly, you can directly specify translated text with cancelText, chooseText, togglePaletteMoreText, togglePaletteLessText, clearText and noColorSelectedText properties.

<script src="dist/spectrum.min.js">
<script src="dist/i18n/fr.js">
Spectrum.getInstance('#buttonText', {
    locale: "fr"
    chooseText: "OK!" // Directly override lang text

To use locale in ES module, you must include from another i18n-es dir and register it manually.

import Spectrum from './dist/';
import zhtw from './dist/i18n-es/zh-tw.js';

Spectrum.locale('zh-tw', zhtw);

Spectrum.getInstance('#buttonText', { locale: "zh-tw" });

Or you may just send locale object to options.

import Spectrum from './dist/';
import zhtw from './dist/i18n-es/zh-tw.js';

Spectrum.getInstance('#buttonText', { locale: zhtw });

Show Buttons

You can show or hide the buttons using the showButtons property. If there are no buttons, the behavior will be to fire the `change` event (and update the original input) when the picker is closed.

Spectrum.getInstance('#hideButtons', {
    showButtons: false

Container Class Name

You can add an additional class name to the just the container element using the containerClassName property.

Spectrum.getInstance('#containerClassName', {
    containerClassName: 'awesome'
.awesome {
    background: purple;

Replacer Class Name

You can add an additional class name to just the replacer element using the replacerClassName property.

Spectrum.getInstance('#replacerClassName', {
    replacerClassName: 'awesome'
.awesome {
    background: purple;

Preferred Format

You can set the format that is displayed in the text box.

This will also change the format that is displayed in the titles from the palette swatches.

Spectrum.getInstance('#preferredHex', {
    preferredFormat: "hex",
    showInput: true,
    showPalette: true,
    palette: [["red", "rgba(0, 255, 0, .5)", "rgb(0, 0, 255)"]]
Spectrum.getInstance('#preferredHex3', {
    preferredFormat: "hex3",
    showInput: true,
    showPalette: true,
    palette: [["red", "rgba(0, 255, 0, .5)", "rgb(0, 0, 255)"]]
Spectrum.getInstance('#preferredHsl', {
    preferredFormat: "hsl",
    showInput: true,
    showPalette: true,
    palette: [["red", "rgba(0, 255, 0, .5)", "rgb(0, 0, 255)"]]
Spectrum.getInstance('#preferredRgb', {
    preferredFormat: "rgb",
    showInput: true,
    showPalette: true,
    palette: [["red", "rgba(0, 255, 0, .5)", "rgb(0, 0, 255)"]]
Spectrum.getInstance('#preferredName', {
    preferredFormat: "name",
    showInput: true,
    showPalette: true,
    palette: [["red", "rgba(0, 255, 0, .5)", "rgb(0, 0, 255)"]]
Spectrum.getInstance('#preferredNone', {
    showInput: true,
    showPalette: true,
    palette: [["red", "rgba(0, 255, 0, .5)", "rgb(0, 0, 255)"]]
Hex (3 Characters If Possible)
Name (Falls back to hex)
None (Depends on input - try changing formats with the text box)


You can choose which element the colorpicker container is appended to (default is "body"). This can be any valid DOMElement object or selector string.

Changing this can help resolve issues with opening the colorpicker in a modal dialog or fixed position container, for instance.


// Events can be bound in the intialization process as options:
const sp = Spectrum.getInstance('#picker', {
    move: function(e) {
      const color = e.detail.color;
    show: function(e) { },
    hide: function(e) { },
    beforeShow: function(e) { },

// Alternatively, they can be added as an event listener:
sp.on('move', function(e) { });
sp.on('show', function(e) { });
sp.on('hide', function(e) { });
sp.on('beforeShow', function(e) { });

// This events will also push to element
const ele = document.querySelector('#picker');
ele.addEventListener('change', (e) => { });


Called as the original input changes. Only happens when the input is closed or the 'Choose' button is clicked.

change: function(e) {
    e.detail.color.toHexString(); // #ff0000


Called as the user moves around within the colorpicker

move: function(e) {
    e.detail.color.toHexString(); // #ff0000


Called after the colorpicker is hidden. This happens when clicking outside of the picker while it is open. Note, when any colorpicker on the page is shown it will hide any that are already open. This event is ignored on a flat colorpicker.

hide: function(e) {
    e.detail.color.toHexString(); // #ff0000


Called after the colorpicker is opened. This is ignored on a flat colorpicker. Note, when any colorpicker on the page is shown it will hide any that are already open.

show: function(e) {
    e.detail.color.toHexString(); // #ff0000


You can prevent the colorpicker from showing up if you return false in the beforeShow event. This event is ignored on a flat colorpicker.

beforeShow: function(e) {
    return false; // Will never show up


Called at the beginning of a drag event on either hue slider, alpha slider, or main color picker areas

sp.on("dragstart", function(e) {
    e.detail.color.toHexString(); // #ff0000


Called at the end of a drag event on either hue slider, alpha slider, or main color picker areas

sp.on("dragstop", function(e) {
    e.detail.color.toHexString(); // #ff0000

sp.option(optionName, newOptionValue);


Shows the colorpicker.


Hides the colorpicker.


Toggles the colorpicker.

Warning: If you are calling toggle from a click handler, make sure you return false to prevent the colorpicker from immediately hiding after it is toggled.

toggleButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
    return false;


Gets the current value from the colorpicker.


Setting the colorpicker programmatically will update the original input.

Note: this will not fire the change event, to prevent infinite loops from calling set from within change.

<input type="text" value="blanchedalmond" name="triggerSet" id="triggerSet" />
<input type="text" placeholder='Enter A Color' id="enterAColor" />
<button id="btnEnterAColor">Trigger Set</button>

const sp = Spectrum.getInstance('#triggerSet');

// Show the original input to demonstrate the value changing when calling `set`;

const input = document.querySelector('#enterAColor');
document.querySelector('#btnEnterAColor').addEventListener('click', () => {


Retrieves the container element of the colorpicker, in case you want to manaully position it or do other things.


Resets the positioning of the container element. This could be used was hidden when initialized, or if the colorpicker is inside of a moving area.


Removes the colorpicker functionality and restores the element to its original state.


Allows selection of the colorpicker component. If it is already enabled, this method does nothing.

Additionally, this will cause the original (now hidden) input to be set as disabled.


Disables selection of the colorpicker component. Adds the sp-disabled class onto the replacer element. If it is already disabled, this method does nothing.

Additionally, this will remove the disabled property on the original (now hidden).


Calling option with an option name will return the current value of that option. So, for example:

const sp = Spectrum.getInstance('input', {
    showInput: true

sp.option("showInput"); // true

Calling option with an option name and an option value will set the option to the new value.

const sp = Spectrum.getInstance('input', {
    showInput: true

sp.option("showInput", false);
sp.option("showInput"); // false


Non-input elements

You can use any element you would like to trigger the colorpicker: Click me to open a colorpicker, though it is strongly recommended to stick with <input> tags.

<input type="color" name="color" />
<input type="color" name="color2" value="#3355cc" />

That's it! The field will degrade to a text input if the user does not have JavaScript enabled, so that they will still be able to manually enter a color. You don't need to add a single line of code.

Browser Support

Spectrum Vanilla use ES2017 syntax and drop the IE support. Here are the currently supported browers:

  • Chrome 54+
  • Firefox 47+
  • Safari 10.1+
  • Opera 41+
  • iOS 10.3+

Accepted Color Inputs

Spectrum will use the color passed in to initialize. If there is no color passed in, it will try to parse a color based on the value of the input. The color parsing is based on the TinyColor plugin, and accepts many forms of input:

rgb(255, 0, 0)
rgb 255 0 0
hsl(0, 100, 50)
hsl(0, 100%, 50%)
hsl 0 100 50
hsl 0 100% 50%
hsv(0, 100%, 100%)
hsv(0, 100, 100)
hsv 0 100% 100%
hsv 0 100 100

It also provides the following forms of output:

const sp = Spectrum.getInstance('#picker');
sp.get().toHex()       // "ff0000"
sp.get().toHexString() // "#ff0000"
sp.get().toRgb()       // {"r":255,"g":0,"b":0}
sp.get().toRgbString() // "rgb(255, 0, 0)"
sp.get().toHsv()       // {"h":0,"s":1,"v":1}
sp.get().toHsvString() // "hsv(0, 100%, 100%)"
sp.get().toHsl()       // {"h":0,"s":1,"l":0.5}
sp.get().toHslString() // "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)"
sp.get().toName()      // "red"