SMS Taiwan Co. Ltd
We are the subsidiary of Japan listed SMS Co. Ltd in Taiwan. We dedicated elderly services to medical, long-term, and active seniors. SMS also sustainable creates value for the society and provides essential health related information platform for professions and public in Taiwan.
Dispensing and delivery chronic diseases prescriptions to nursing homes and individual users are the mainly service in Taiwan. People are able to pass a copy or image of their prescriptions through fax, smart phone, and network service. Pharmacists will deliver medicines according to the refilling dates, assigned location and convenient time to the patients or the careers.
Due to the human progressive society, low birth rate, aging and health manpower training has become the challenge of the future society. In order to eliminating the medical information barriers and improving the quality of life for the publics, SMS will strive to provide information as an important bridge to professionals and end users. We are looking forward to contribute to the society continuously to make people healthier.
我們是知恩思資訊股份有限公司,日商 SMS 在台灣的分公司,致力於為高齡化社會中的3個領域 醫療・長照・銀髮族(active senior) 和3種服務對象 企業・從業者・消費者 提供所需的信息服務與平台,以此為社會長期持續創造價值。
iHealth 是我們在台灣的服務品牌之一,也是目前的主力,主要提供長照機構與一般民眾的處方宅配, 可由實體管道或網路系統上傳處方資訊,時間到後將由藥師親自配送至府上。
隨著人類社會持續進步,少子化、高齡化與醫療人力的培訓逐漸成為未來社會的挑戰。 為了下一代的醫療水準,以及高齡人口的生活品質,SMS 將努力作為重要的資訊提供橋樑, 服務社會上每一個需要幫助的人們,讓人類擁有一個美好、健康的未來。
SMS Story: What is Aging Society (高齡化社會)
About our value, action and service. / 了解我們的價值,行動與服務。